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Tricia Homer

Coach, Trainer & Consultant

After 16 years stateside, I recently moved back home.

I coach entrepreneurs on perfecting their business pitches.
I support highly technical people in making their work more compelling and accessible.
I am an expert trainer and facilitator. I specialize in helping organizations with their growth strategies (hiring, employee engagement, retention and customer service)

I have led training and curriculum design for projects across the United States, as well as Iraq, Egypt, Rwanda, and Uzbekistan.

I am a certified leadership coach, life coach, hot pilates instructor, and wellness coach.
I am also certified in Conflict & Change Management with the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).
I hold an executive certificate in facilitation from Georgetown University.

B.A. Wesleyan University
M.A. University of Maryland Baltimore County

Awarded Top Forty Under 40 Changemaker by the Prince George’s County Social Innovation Fund
Former Miss US Virgin Islands Universe
